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The Washington Post,


February 2019- Present

Writing daily columns from a Populist-Conservative perspective


Contributing in weekly 2020 Pundit poll ranking challengers to President Trump 


Ethics and Public Policy Center,

Senior Fellow

August 2013- Present

Consultant for the UK, Chinese, German, French, Scandinavian, Canadian, and other European embassies


Regular Speaker at notable events hosted by the American Enterprise Institute, the Brookings Institution, the Heritage Foundation, the Manhattan Institute, the Cato Institute, the Bradley Foundation, the Philadelphia Society, and the Reform Conservative Network


Helping direct the Voter Study Group, a cross-partisan group of pollsters and analysts studying the deep roots of American political divisions


Predicted the most accurate 2016 pre-election results in the nation


Wrote bi-monthly column for American Greatness and monthly columns for City Journal and WORLD magazine on Conservatism and American politics until February 2019 


Frequently contributed to National Review, National Affairs, The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, and The National Interest until February 2019  


​Regularly cited by leading journalists

Villanova University,

Adjunct Professor

August 2016- January 2017

Taught the Fall 2016 semester course: Winning Election 2016


Created curriculum that instilled an understanding of how to analyze election polls through a series of intellectually engaging projects and lectures

The Rose Institute of State and Local Government,

Member of the Board of Directors


2017- Present






The Board advises the Director on management



Drew maps and managed the REDIS machine


Editor, Flyover Country Section

July 2017- February 2019

Commissioned, edited, and wrote a weekly column for section devoted to populism throughout the world


Examined and analyzed populist movements in most OECD countries and the causes behind populism worldwide

American Enterprise Institute,

Vice President

Executive Director, National Research Initiative

July 2006- August 2013

Worked with development team to bring in $6 million in new money for the Values & Capitalism program and $1.5 million in 2012-13 for the education policy program 


Created AEI’s Values & Capitalism program, now active on over 40 campuses, an initiative designed to educate students on college campuses about the virtues of free enterprise and conservative public policy


Designed objectives, directed activity, and managed thirteen scholars in AEI’s education, health care, financial services, energy & environment, agriculture, and legal studies programs


Revamped the National Research Initiative, recruiting numerous scholars from the prestigious National Bureau of Economic Research to write on topics such as federal taxation and spending policy, health care reform, and entitlement reform


Created, lead, and accomplished NRI projects, including thirteen monographs, books, and studies, with self-designed marketing plans


Managed budgets and implemented direction, goals, and fund-raising strategies


Created AEI’s government relations department and helped to double the number of Congressional testimonies in one year by AEI scholars and fellows


Lead communications, events, government relations, and publications teams to accomplish objectives


Advised the president, as one of four VPs, on matters relating to AEI


Recruited outside academics and others to develop original conservative public policy ideas as part of AEI’s National Research Initiative, a $2 million annual academic grant-making program 


Wrote articles and op-eds on the direction and future of the conservative politics and public policy    


Increased visibility and policy relevant work by AEI scholars in my program areas


Manhattan Institute,

Vice President, Programs

Executive Director, Center for Civic Innovation

September 1998- January 2006

Created and managed research and intellectual program on urban issues aimed at policymakers and journalists


Managed six other programs on domestic policy issues aimed at similar audiences


Assisted the President and Executive Vice President to design and implement Institute objectives


Created strategic plans, specific projects, and budgets for programs and scholars in education, health care, criminal justice, welfare reform, urban housing and development, race and ethnic studies, and state tax and fiscal policy programs


Provided intellectual leadership, designed marketing plans, managed the editing and production of publications


​Wrote op-eds and articles on urban policy issues


Worked with a bi-partisan group of mayors and policymakers to advance goals


Led communications, events, publications, and database teams to accomplish objectives  


Created and directed programs that roughly tripled the budget within six years  


Directed three new departments: Center for Medical Progress, Center for Rethinking Development, Empire Center for Policy Research 


Worked with scholars to inform the debate in their areas


Inaugurated two annual award programs, the Social Entrepreneurship Award and the Urban Innovators Award, for successful innovations in the private and public sectors


Commonwealth Foundation,


Executive Director

January 1995- September 1998

Increased fundraising from $375,000 to $600,000 in first twelve months as President


Directed all aspects of the Commonwealth Foundation to become Pennsylvania’s leading conservative free-market think tank and the leading voice opposing excessive government spending


Devised and implemented the plan for organization, including programmatic and fundraising goals, while managing a staff of four


Worked with policymakers to advance Foundation’s agenda


Was the public face of the Foundation by writing op-eds, speaking before diverse audiences, and networking with business leaders and journalists


Revived moribund organization, creating new intellectual agenda


Expanded public awareness of Foundation by increasing the regular contributions to the op-ed pages of the Harrisburg Patriot-News and the Philadelphia Daily News, and becoming regularly cited in press stories in the leading papers 


Dechert, Price & Rhoads,

Litigation Associate

September 1991- January 1995

Wrote appellate and trial briefs and motions


Managed and conducted discovery


Assisted in trial preparations


Conducted legal research and wrote legal memoranda

Judge Danny J. Boggs,

Judicial Clerk, 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals

September 1990- September


Wrote drafts of published and unpublished opinions


Read briefs and wrote bench memos to judge recommending disposition of case


Conducted legal research

California Assembly Republican Caucus,

Legislative Assistant

December 1984- August


Researched and developed ideas for legislation


Solved local legislative problems for members

Hoffenblum-Mollrich Communications,


June 1983- November


Conducted opposition research, identified issues, and analyzed voter surveys for political campaigns


Worked with legal team to analyze effects of property tax reduction proposition on local government


Ran statewide speakers bureau for initiative campaign

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